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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Awkward and Awesome

Oh yeah, it's that time of week again.
Let's get this awkwesomeness rollin', eh?
{That word can go in the "awesome" category}


* Not emptying the dish rack for over a week. I've opted out of that particular chore for the time being. Why? I have no idea. I just keep piling things on top of long-ago dried pots and pans. The gargantuan pile of kitchen utensils is just staring at me saying, "put us back in our designated cupboards," but alas, since I am a cruel woman, they remain in the dish rack.

* Having absolutely no questions for the doctor during Babe #2's check up yesterday. I don't care how many kids you have, I feel like when the doctor asks if you have any questions about that little munchkin in there, you should just ask a question - any question. Even if you're just feigning curiosity, it makes you look like a concerned mother. Well, I just sat there dumbly with a blank mind and said, "Nope, I can't think of anything," which was followed by a pregnant pause of him making assumptions as to how seriously I'm taking my incubation responsibilities. {Okay, he probably wasn't thinking that, but I felt funky}.

* Wearing no make-up with my hair up in a bun to said doctor's appointment, therefore looking like I'm straight out of the show 16 and Pregnant. If it weren't for the combined presence of my wedding ring, Chad AND Babe #1, I'm sure that's what he would be thinking. 

* Throwing my leggings in the overly-stuffed hamper before actual laundry day. Why would I do such a thing?! It forced me to wear non-maternity jeans to an Angel's game. Let's just say that pealing your jeans off your body is definitely not an ego booster.

* Repeating a story to Chad about my mom's single days and how one time she had a major underwear crisis while travelling. Talking about funny underwear situations between mother and daughter? Hilarious. Daughter repeating story to husband? Weird. 


* Opening my SHOP this weekend. There will be much ado about this occasion soon. Wooooohooooo!

* My mom and I laughing about an underwear situation. See, having a family of your own opens up such discussion paths with your mother as would not previously be discussed pre-children.....You know, about underwear and such.

* The hubby loving his new biking hobby. Cheers to a fun work out!

* Sewing like a maniac.

* Catching up with family members at a recent bar-b-que.

* Carter counting to three. I think I talked about how awesome this was last week, but guess what? It's still awesome.

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