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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Fall time!

Fall, fall, wonderful fall!!!! We are so into it this year. I've made a goal to buy one seasonal thing each time I go into a store and I've got to say - best idea ever. I'm beefin' up on the pumpkins but will soon switch to permanent decor to last through the years! It must be the house that's doing this to us. Just the thought of it possibly being a forever home type of situation makes us all want to cozy up and nest. THE BEST.

In other news, Grace will be ONE in 18 days!!! Isn't that just freakin' incredible? The fastest year of our lives, that's for sure. We've decided she will be our forever baby (closin' down shop, over here), so any challenges she presents us with is sort of viewed in a this-isn't-so-bad type of way. It's really a lovely way to live (in opposition to how we were with Carter - poor oldest child and all the insanity parents load on them! Baha!). 

And that is all! Woohoo! Back to consuming carrot cake!!

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