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Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday madness

Since I've had the little man, Monday's never used to be anything too exciting, just the first day of the week where we say farewell to the hubby at the doorstep. This all changed when I started working Monday evenings from 4:15 - 7:30 at the fabulous Purebarre. As I do love working, granted for only three hour stretches at a time and as long as Carter is being watched by a family member,  it does throw a wrench into our daily routine. Luckily, my sister and I have come up with a perfect child-watching compromise! Here is what our Monday's look like nowadays:

1) After the regular morning activities, I put Carter down at 10:30 (which is now a little bit too early for him, but works with the rest of our day).
2) I clean the house like a mad woman, considering coming home to a dirty house is comparable to a trip to the dump.
3) I pray that Carter wakes up by 1:00, but if he doesn't, I wake him up so we can head down to Mission Viejo (I always feel so bad!).
4) The brother-in-law heads off to work and I watch Tessa (the precious niece) until Mama Gina comes home from work.
5) At 3:30 Gina and I switch off watching the kiddos, and I head off to teach for a few hours.
6) I ski-daddle out of the studio by 7:45 to pick up the little man, we make the 15 minute drive home and it's the beginning of the four B's: Bath, Book, Bottle and Bed!
7) . . . At which point I take a shower and relax on the couch, and now since school has started again, wait for Chadly to return. 

And that's my one hectic day of the week. Luckily it's not too hectic, but every Sunday night I always feel like I'm gearing up for a full on eight hour work day! It's a weird feeling, and I'm pretty sure I only feel that way because it involves Carter's babysitting schedule, but once our Monday's are over and done with, I always breathe a big sigh of relief and look forward to a relaxing (albeit laundry-filled) Tuesday!

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