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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

T-ball and the pictures!

So I've been thinking about the 1,700+ pictures saved on my phone. I'm not kidding, I just deleted a picture of pancakes from 2010. Why the heck did I keep that? Why couldn't I just delete the darn thing? Well, I'll tell you: phone pictures are super candid life moments that I never want to let go of! Until about 15 minutes ago, I had 18 of the same picture of Carter, with about a .00000009 degree difference in the angle of his chin. It was just a series of photos where I decided it was crucial to capture not just ONE picture of him smiling at me, but rather 18! And the only reason I figured out that I should delete a few was because my iPhone barred me from taking any MORE due to a lack of storage! Anyway, hilarious.

And speaking of super candid life moments (not that this was candid - hellooooo, this scene was a photo shoot waiting to happen), here are some gosh darn adorable pictures of my big man on his FIRST DAY OF T-BALL! Yes - unbelievable!!! All taken by none other than my trusty phone, because it's awesome!
 Stretching during his "I'm not too sure about this" moment.
 The glove of dreams that he was in love with!
 Base running!
Hanging out with Gavin!
 Learning to field with the other kiddos!
 Super intense, wide leg stance.
 "Here, come stand next to me!" (Proud mom moment!)
The ole' cannon.
 It's on.

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