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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A letter to my oldest on his 6th birthday

When one procreates, one becomes a walking cliche. Hence this letter, which definitely is not the first, nor will be the last, of it's kind.

Carter, Carter, you sweet child. You are six today. SIX! How is it that you, me and Daddy have been walkin' around together, figuring out this big ol' world, for six whole years now?! 72 months! It's a wonder. There are several things I never, ever want to forget about you in this season of your life, but just for time's sake (because lesbehonest... I could write about you for the next 20 years sans break!), and because Daddy is waiting for me to take a shower and start on the enchiladas, I'll just highlight some of the gamut of emotions you put us three Cisneros's through JUST today!

1. I almost burst into hysterical, weird, mom-you're-crazy tears each hour, on the hour. "Mom, can you grab me, the King of the World, some juice?" YES BECAUSE IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY AND BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO ALWAYS ASK IF MOM CAN GRAB YOU JUICE UNTIL YOU'RE 25! "Mom, I want to go to Chuck-E-Cheese's tonight. Can that happen?" YES EVEN THOUGH DADDY AND I THINK THAT ESTABLISHMENT VIOLATES SEVERAL HEALTH CODE STANDARDS, WE WILL BRING YOU, OUR BIRTHDAY BABY, TO CHUCK-E-CHEESE'S! "Mom, now that I'm six, I'm going to be in first grade when I get back to school. Yep." WAH, LET'S NOT THINK ABOUT AGING EVEN FURTHER, BUT MOMMY WANTS YOU TO THINK BIG THOUGHTS LIKE THAT ANYWAY! Tears, tears, tears!

2. Daddy posted the sweetest picture of you on his Instagram. You were in the "big church" with us for Christmas service and Kota was sleeping, so it was just you, me and Dad. It was candle lighting time, and once yours was lit, you literally held it at the highest point above your head and said, very loudly, Pastor Chuck's prayer. It was the gosh darn sweetest thing and both Dad and I almost burst into ridiculous, scary person tears! You are such a light!

3. Kota was very, very sad that she didn't get to be "Princess of the World" while you were "King of the World," and also that it wasn't her turn to open presents while you basked in all the Jurassic World Lego video game glory. Instead of looking down your nose at a pesky little sister, you told her that "in just a few days," it was going to be her birthday, then she can be Princess of the World! It was the sweetest words ever spoken on the face of the earth. Again, Mom almost cried.

So a very successful days of on-the-verge-of-tears, I'll have to say. Now you are sound asleep, waiting for the Christmas Eve to happen WHERE WE GET TO GO SEE STAR WARS THE FORCE AWAKENS IN 3D IMAX FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! I'm willing to bet there may be a few teary eyed moments watching your little face light up whilst light saber battling.

Mommy and Daddy love you so much, Carter! We are proud of you every single day. I can't wait to see you grow into the guy you are meant to be! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE, Mommy.

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