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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Chad's 28!

Well, our man is the ol' 2-8 today! He's the absolute best, I would definitely consider him one of the most exceptional human beings who has ever walked upon the earth, probably second only to Jesus. Yeah, I think that's a good description of Chad Richard Cisneros. Very accurate, if you ask me.
What to say about our guy! Well duh, he's the best husband and father, blah blah blah, but other cool facts about him include his love for his job, dog, yard, lawn mower, Oreo cookies, flashy socks, BBQ and pork enchiladas. He further enjoys playing hockey, driving cars made in 1999, helping his wife with home projects and using a compressor-fueled nail gun with gusto. Walking through Home Depot and Lowes gives him considerable joy, and hey, can't forget about the extensive Game of Thrones blog-perusing and speculation via very long text messages with other Game of Thrones super fans. I mean, need I go on? He's basically the most wonderful human.

Here are 28 wonderful memories I have with our guy:

1. That one time while dating where we drove down to SD talking about our future family even though we were, like, 20.

2.  Also while dating, our very classy "SWAT down" RV trips to the coast with a bunch of friends. Those beer bongs weren't going to drink themselves!

3. One of my favorite conversations you've ever had with my parents was when you were describing how your brother almost passed out while you guys were in New Zealand canoeing through the underground caves. My parents were like, this guy is hilarious!

4. When we drove to USC when I was 6 months pregnant with Carter and ate Tommy's. Life changing.

5. When I was talking to the ol' brother-in-law about you when we first started dating and I actually said the words to him, "NO, YOU'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO LIKE THIS ONE!" Bahahaha!

6. Meeting you on that bench at CSUF when we were blind formal dates and you had that crazy Greek Week mohawk and I looked like absolute poop. The reason I was bright red when I met you was because I was like, great, I'm meeting this guy and I haven't showered in a day or so. Wonderful.

7. When, at that formal where we were to be blind dates, you made a strong, opinionated comment on which shoes I should wear. You picked the silver pumps versus the black ones. I was like, wow!

8. When you were POSITIVE Dakota was a boy.

9. That one time where you came home to our apartment in Ladera and told me that escrow would be closing on our new house a week early and that you were going to swing through Home Depot so, "get ready!" Then I started silently freaking out and you were like, what's wrong with you? Hahaha!

10. When you raked our new house's grass in the rain! The best!

11. When I was trying to tell you I was pregnant and you kept completely missing the pregnancy test I had taped to the fridge!

12. When you gave me that questioning glance when I was trying to watch The Kardashians but the kids were awake and the content was less than appropriate a few weeks ago. Bahahaha!

13. When you hauled our first Christmas tree in Irvine up the ol' stairs to our second story apartment!

14. When I realized that you actually knew what you were doing in Europe and if I had been there by myself, I would surely have been dead by that point.

15. When we were living in Yorba during those first 11 months of marriage and you indulged in a bottle of wine for the first time since we'd been married. Bahahaha!

16. When we were at Disneyland recently and got to get into the park an hour early with the rest of the resort-stayers and we looked at each other while sprinting in separate directions to get our places in line with either kid! We were like, holy crap!!!!! This is nuts!

17. When you said, "Babe, he has your eyes," right after Carter was born - THAT'S AN ALL TIME FAVORITE MEMORY AND SHOULDN'T BE NUMBER 17 ON THIS LIST OF WONDERFUL MEMORIES. THE BEST!

18. When you got those headphones for your video games and asked if you looked dorky.

19. When you told Carter that we were going to buy him a truck the other day. Bahahahahaha omg, we were both like, why did those words just happen?

20. When you were laying sod in the front yard and that sprinkler exploded! Hahahaha!

21. When we agreed that Black Cherry is the absolute worst flavor in sparkling water. Our grunts of disgust!

22. That one time where you forgot that you had told me an ex-girlfriend's mom's pork chop recipe, and then suggested that I make pork chops like she had. CALLED YOU OUT!!!! Good thing I like you.

23. When you installed the light fixtures throughout the house the other day! We were so excited!

24. When you were wearing sunglasses indoors when we were building our original kitchen table here in Corona.

25. When you and Carter looked at each other after I announced that bebe 3 is a girl! You said, "It's just you and me, Carter!"

26. When you and I got really intense on Snow's adoption day because there were 5 or 6 people in the line in front of me and we were like, these bitches better move out da way!

27. When I wanted to go get the crib for Carter while pregnant and you were like, "Why? Let's just wait." What? Hahaha!

28. When I married you, you wonderful, smiling man you!

So obviously, he is the best. Woooooo!!!! Happy birthday, my man!

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