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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mommy talk

Today I taught two classes at 8:25 and 9:35 at the fabulous Purebarre, and I'm happy to say I experienced an abnormal amount of mommy talk. There just so happened to be tons of moms in both of my classes, and I had the pleasure of talking to almost every single one of them about their little ones! It's so nice to get out of the house for a few hours and actually connect with other people outside of the immediate family group. Although I love my often times hilarious conversations with my mom, sister and mother-in-law, it's still nice to meet new people who live basically the same life I do.

Oh my gosh, one of the moms I talked to today had an eight week old baby (it was her first time leaving the babe), and she looked so amazing it was ridiculous. Before I started class, the receptionist told me that one of the ladies who walked past me just had a baby and that it was her first class back. As I was teaching, I was scanning the room trying to figure out which lady could possibly have just given birth. Every single person in there looked fabulous! After class she asked me if she had heard correctly that I had a fourteen month old. I said yes, and asked her if she was the one who had just had a baby, and she said yes! Her body gave away absolutely no clue that she was postpartum. I told her she looked ridiculous amazing and she lifted up her shirt to show me a perfectly, non-stretch marked stomach and said, "well, I have a little bit left to go." Seriously, she could not even gather a full finger pinch of skin. She told me that she did kick boxing through her entire pregnancy. It was insane!

Anyway, moral of the story: work out while pregnant. It. Is. Worth. It.

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