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Thursday, May 31, 2012


I don't even know where to start, it has all been so amazing. Seriously, how the heck did I get paired with the exact person on earth I'm supposed to be with? It sort of blows my mind. It's just so unbelievable that that dude I married three years ago compliments me in every way, in every situation. Anyway, as far as the other night goes, I shall just start from the beginning.

Back in the day we decided that I will always be responsible for planning the odd anniversaries and he will get the evens, that way I get the "smaller" of the "bigs," like 5, 15 and 25, and he will get the "bigger" of the "bigs," 10, 20, 30, etc. etc. Anyway, being that this year we celebrated our third year of wedded bliss, it was all me, baby. 
One thing about us, we are major surprise people. Chad has a hard time telling me what we're going to be having for dinner because he wants it to be a surprise. I can't stand telling him that I may or may not have purchased shrimp at the grocery store so that he can surprise me with whatever the heck he does with it. Bottom line, we basically live and die for the moment of surprise, be it large or small. 
But here's the thing: Chad is a master.
Yes I try, but somehow he always blows me out of the water, but NOT THIS YEAR!
It was like an olympic sport for me: making phone calls here, going to check out menus there, researching yelp high, scourging food blogs low. It was nuts. NUTS, I tell you!
But what I settled on was just beyond awesome:
Dinner reservations at the Blue Bayou inside of Pirates of the Caribbean at good ole' Disneyland, where we have always wanted to serenely sit and admire the fire flies, followed by a lovely bout of wine tasting over in California Adventure.

Anyway, I felt super sly because I kept this bad boy plan under wraps BIG TIME. When I made the reservation I asked if she could email me a confirmation, and she told me that wasn't an option because Disney doesn't do that. Hmm... So after feeling slightly annoyed, I realized that this simply meant that there was no paper trail, JUST IN CASE the man wanted to go rummaging through my inbox... Which is a completely insane thought... But seriously, just in case. Proof that we are psychos over here. Anyway, after realizing that goin'-a-rummagin' would produce nothing, I felt even more awesome.
Finally, the big day came to celebrate. I kept telling him that we were going horse back riding behind the Hollywood sign {something which I would think would be so ridiculously amazing, but Chadly would hate. SOMEONE gets all hay-feverish around those beasts. Boo.}, to which he would always laugh awkwardly and then say, "No but seriously, is that what we're doing?"
EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL laugh, I had totally done it. Kept him in the dark. 
Finally, when we were pulling out of the driveway, I checked his wallet to make sure we had our passes, and then told him what was up {but not the wine tasting part, because I couldn't reveal too much too quickly!}.

After a round of high-fives and excited yelps, we were off and running! We arrived about 45 minutes early, so we got ourselves drinks at the ESPN zone where we watched the first few minutes of the Angels game. You know, there's just something about drinking a beer with your man when the kids are more than taken care of and you're wearing fabulous wedges with an awesome beyond awesome short little dress. I know, totally weird, but it's the truth! It was so darn fun and crazy of us!

So after jamming through my brewskie, we took off for the ole' Bayou. Really quick though, I felt completely freakish rockin' heels through Disneyland, so much so that we were just laughing. There I was, all made up amongst the jean-donning, Nike-wearing herds. Hilarious. But anyway, we sat down for dinner, and holy guacamole, it was so darn good. Amazing, actually. 
Of course, once we sat down we went through our nightly ritual of asking the other what the peak and pit was of their day was, but this time we did the peak and pit of our entire marriage.
Ahh, how romantic to hear the peaks, but when it came to the pits, man we couldn't take each other seriously. It was just too pleasant of a moment to sit and stew on how I suck at housecleaning! "Oh, well" to that my friend!
Anyway, after dinner we headed on over to California Adventure to commence some good ole' fashion drinking, albeit classily so. Well, guess what? Apparently the pictures online completely lie to you when they show that you'll be underneath a twinkle-lit sky swirling your glass to and froe! It was like a straight up bar with a few bottles of wine behind it, all of which would be tasted from plastic cups, which we were "free to walk around the park with," but unfortunately was closed for the night. Hmm... Not what  was expecting, so we decided to heave-ho over to the Jazz Kitchen, which is where Chad took me on my 20th birthday back in the dating days.

As soon as we took a seat right next to a far-too-mellow newly 21-year-old, we ordered some cocktails. My hurricane was outrageously amazing, but Chad's mint julep was straight up alcohol with a pinch of leaves. Disgusting, I say! So we left there and went back to the ESPN zone, where we discussed how Chad's future man cave will flaunt the 100+ inch screen, watched the rest of the Angels game and laughed like crazy at the sports Jeers of the Year.
Bottom line was this: in 60 years when we're sitting there like two old cronies, he will still make me laugh like a hyena and I will still make fun of him for watching infomercials late at night, all while shaking my cane at him from our bedroom, yelling into his man cave with the 100+ inch screen.
It will be a wonderful future for the two of us, a wonderful future.

{Ugh, the photo quality and lack-o-editing is driving me nuts, but hey, what can ya do? When a lady has two sleeping bambinos up there, time is of the essence!}

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