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Sunday, May 27, 2012

The "why's" gone out of control

Cart's has been in the "why" phase for quite a few months now, something which always cracks me up because it's just so simple and precious. Anyway, while making the thirty minute drive to my parents house the other day, it got a little bit out of control. Here is how it went:

Carts: Trash truck?
Me: I don't think we'll see the trash truck today.
Carts: No trash truck? Why?
Well, it's Saturday, I don't think the trash truck comes on Saturday.
Because the trash men need a day off too.
Because everyone needs a day off.
Because they work all week long.
Because that's what their bosses want.
Because that's how they make money.
Because that's how business works.
Because people work everyday all around the world to generate money.
Because it's a global market.
Because people in Asia wake up before people in the Middle East, who wake up before people in the Europe, who wake up before people in the United States. 
Because the world turns round and round and the sun comes up at different times, so they all start work at different times.
Because it's on an axis, so that's why all their markets depend upon one another. 
Because it's a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week type of thing.
I'm not sure, that's just the way God wants it to be.
I have no idea.
Because that's just the way it is, little man, that's just the way it is.

Alright, so maybe I got a little carried away there with the whole trying to explain to my two-year-old why we won't see the trash truck today, but hey, after that crazy conversation I couldn't help but just sit there and laugh. It's all just so funny and sweet, and always ends in,
"I'm not sure, Carts, that's just the way God wants it to be."
It sort of makes you think about the most basic things in life, and how truly, that's just the way God wants it, even though explaining global markets is far from the simple things in life.

Anyway, hilarious I tell you, hilarious.

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