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Thursday, January 28, 2016


How lucky are we to call Southern California home? It's the gosh dang BEST thing in the world to be raising little SoCal babes. Bah!

Leading up to the 28th birthday, we had been sick as dogs. The weekend was to be played by ear: if we all felt a teensy bit better then we would celebrate in whatever way possible. On Friday evening we were still a sad bunch, swimming in germs and grossness, causing me to re-RSVP to a party that we wouldn't be able to make it (we were so bummed!). Then, by some miracle, we woke up on Saturday morning, my actual birthday (and the day we were supposed to attend the party!), feeling just a bit better, but still not well enough to go out spreading germs to other birthday guests. So we heave ho'd up the mountain to Big Bear!!!!! The 4 of us, 3 of which feeling pretty blah but so excited that we didn't care, stopped off at Snow Drift, grabbed ourselves 4 tubes and took to tubin' down the ol' hills! SO MUCH FUN. We are now all obsessed. Kota and I flew down first, then Carter (apparently) kept telling Chad that he "DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS!" but once Chad threw him down, the guy was hooked. He left us all in the dust the rest of the hour that we were there, hardly even stopping for the rest of us! Truly, it was a great way to get out of the house and to celebrate a birthday!

When we got home, all I wanted to do was curl up in sweats and read my book. I kept looking around myself thinking, "Wow, 28! This is what brings me the most joy: laying around, everyone in jammies, watching movies and reading books." My mind was blown several times in the best way.

Around 4:00 pm, I wanted to go to the beach, but was met by much resistance from Chadly. So I called it quits on that, then couldn't decide on what to eat for dinner, finally picking NYPD. I was SOOOOOOOOO tired after my carb filled meal, the thought of celebrating further with a glass of wine sounded like a straight bullet train to bed time for the birthday girl. So for the first birthday since.... 21... anyone believe me?!.... I soberly went to sleep around 10:00! It was another mind-blowingly-wonderful thing! Hahaha!

Sunday, I was still "the birthday girl," according to Carter and Kota. All I wanted to do was go to get doughnuts (another decision that took me a very long time to make - "should we get doughnuts, or something healthier? Doughnuts? Or healthy? Okay, doughnuts"), then go to church. After that, I told Chad with extreme certainty that my eye balls needed to see the beach so that's where we were going. He was still all resistant, which made me be like, "Listen... Not to be a pushy birthday girl Queen of the World, but everyone keeps telling me that we get to do whatever I want but once I say what I want to do no one wants to do it...." I was having a diva moment! But hey, we got to go to the beach ;)

And so it was! It was a great birthday weekend, if not an indecisive one. Love these people!!!!! And so glad that we at least felt a smidgen better than we had been.
 ^^^This picture!!! Hahaha obviously not Kota's best moment, but THAT LIGHTING. I was SOOOOO OBSESSED with all of the golden light!
 ^^^"Yes dawling, it's MY birthday weekend!"

And then, of course, the TUBING TIME!!!
Sooooooo fun! I loved every second of my birthday weekend, especially because most of it was marveling at California and how happy I was that we decided not to move away from the best state on earth. We were THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS close to moving to TX, which would have been fab because hey, TX, but the snow one day, then the beach the other???? Toooooooo amazing. 28 and feeling great!

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