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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Me and my girl

Sometimes it still shocks me that we have a baby girl, which is ridiculous because we are almost exactly THREE MONTHS IN at this point! It's just so unbelievable for some reason! Anyway, right this very minute the little lady and I are girlin' it up in my bedroom while Uncle Todd and Chadly are having man time around our kitchen table. I took her back for the last feeding of the night and just decided to treat myself to a little alone time with the lass since moments like these seem so far and few between.
Anyway, she is now asleep and it seems that my mind has finally caught up to the fact that I have a girl.

So in celebration of girl-power-awesomeness, guess what THIS mama will be doing with THAT little baby preciousness in the coming years.

We will be...

Getting mani/pedi's.

Discussing what THIS shade of pink says about a person, versus THAT shade of pink.

Joking about how Daddy and Carter are just "such boys."

Making Daddy and Carter cookies.

Telling Daddy and Carter that since the girls made the cookies, the boys have to clean up :)

Buying ballet shoes together.

Buying tap shoes together.

Buying pointe shoes together.

....Or buying some crazy piece of equipment like a lacrosse stick so that she might go kick some major bootay in a sport where I have no idea what I'm talking about in...Which would be totally fine and awesome!

Picking out which color tights she wants to wear to church.

Telling each other how icky some flowers are because they attract those monsters known to many as "bee's."

Rhinestoning dance costumes together.

Talking about how he said THAT, and could we believe it?! 

Saying things like, "MEN! You can't live with 'em, you can't live without 'em!," all while throwing our arms up in the air like we just don't care!

Swapping recipes over the phone.

Discussing the legitimacy of a college student's diet..."No, Kota, I do not think it's a good idea to buy a $5 foot long from Subway and to split it up throughout the day...I would never have done that...." Even though I totally did just that on a daily basis, which I will tell her and then we will laugh.

Talking about pink. Did I already mention that?

Ahhh, that was just GLORIOUS! I can't wait to list girly girly girly things again when the inspiration strikes!
So yay for being a mama of a GIRL!


  1. Love this!!!!! So awesome! and she is adorable btw.

  2. awwww, this is beautiful! your little girl is in for a fun and amazing life! :)

    <3, Mimi
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  3. I can't wait to do all those fun, girly things with my daughter too.

  4. It doesn't get much cuter than that!! ... and my girl will be a dancer too! ...but I won't be worrying about kids for another few years... :)


  5. So sweet your baby!!!

    I love photographing children and babies
    See in my blog, if you want!!!



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