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Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween and October festivities

October, October! Such a fun month. Besides the fact that my camera's lens was smudged for a few pictures, the documentation was on point with ol' big bertha, aka Canon T2i, another side effect of developing thousands of cell phone pictures and legit camera pics - what a difference in clarity! Anyhoo, tons of fun was had!
^^^Parental fun for Chadwick and I! 80's workout people. This was the best costume ever. Talk about comfort! Leading up to this, I kept repeating to Chad that all I cared about was extreme comfort. A onesie was my #1 choice for the night, which struck Chad as hilarious given the first Halloween we ever spent together. I would say that in 2007, comfort was the last thing on my mind, skin-baring uncomfortableness being the first. Anyhoo! Spandex amazingness? YAS.

Next was the kids' yearly Halloween party at the Novini's! Wooooo!
 ^^^What a bunch'a cuties.

Then my dad gave me a humongous bag of our old Halloween costumes, which the kids are now obsessed with.
 ^^^Kota even wore Gina's fairy costume to her Halloween dance class!

And then on actual H Day, we left the timeshare to join in on the extreme festivities at the SIL and BIL's house. They had ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHT trick or treaters. 1,208 candy seekers!!!! It sure beat the 30 we had last year in our sad Halloween neighborhood! Absolutely nuts!
It was a great Halloween this year. Pret-ty stoked on the kids' ages, a statement that's pretty moot given the fact that every age is my new favorite. Let the holidays continue on!

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