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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bobbin and a-sewin'

That was me last night.
Just leisurely sewing on my mom's sewing machine.
Being a bad ass.
I even figured out how to load that bobbin thing all by myself.
Thanks Youtube, I have no idea what I would do without you, since the one page I needed out of the entire manual (bobbin's page) was torn out.
I feel like a little lady-of-the-home now.


  1. My mom loves to sew. I could never understand it :/

  2. lol TOTALLY know how exciting it is to get that stupid bobbin all set the first time! Goodness, what an obnoxious little poop that bobbin is- especially when it runs out and you don't notice till you think you just finished something... :/ whoops, happens to me way too often! lol


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