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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Funday: Nicole 1 - 10

This morning I subbed three classes at the amazing Purebarre, so since 11:40 on the dot, our my focus has been relaxing, relaxing, relaxing.
Ah, it's so nice.
I mean, truly nice.
To really just chill out and give yourself over to relaxation?
What a long-gone concept.

Anyway, as soon as I got off work, our little fam bam took off for the Farmer's Market, which has become a Sunday favorite of ours. Not because of the home-grown, organic beyond all organic healthy goodness, but because there are tons of food trucks. Yep, food trucks, in all their greasy glory, are there to serve the good citizens of our little town. 
{You have to admit those things lucked out in the business department. Whichever big exec's idea it was over there at the Food Network really gave those guys a leg up. You go, food trucks!
Since I didn't shower in between work and Market {yuck, I know}, I was sticky.
And gross. And icky. I didn't even want my legs to touch one another under my dress.
But now I'm showered, the Babe is asleep, it's quiet around here, and I'm itchin' to talk about a few things.

1) I'm going to do a name change on this here blog. Not until the end of the month, but it will be glorious. Although I think there's no better name than "The Cisneros Family," I'm just feeling the need. It.Will.Be.Awesome.

2) I'm reading Harry Potter 3. Sorry, hardcore HP fans, I have no idea what the subtitle for this one is, because I'm reading it on my Kindle and I just don't ask questions. {J.K. Rowling is not an e-book supporter, so it may or may not have been pirated. Say what you will. It's bad, I know. Also, I feel like a twelve year old for reading these things, but guess what? It doesn't matter. They are still wonderful.}

3) Carter could not eat some of the food Chad and I got today at the Farmer's Market because they contained peanut traces. My baby is allergic to peanuts. I know he's going to outgrow it {20% chance, man!}, but if not, at least half of America now has the same allergy. I wouldn't wish it upon anybody, but at least he's not alone!

4) Chad and Carter cleaned while I was at work. I mean, really, really cleaned. It was glorious coming home today. Glorious.

5) Steak dinner tonight at the Paplia's! Bow chicka bow wow. Here here to no dishes and great company!

6) I've had the world's best night's sleeps lately. Who says you can't sleep well while pregnant? Not I!

7) Adoption is a great thing. I have no idea where that came from, but it just is. One of my girlfriend's has the world's most awesome International campaign going on called Both Ends Burning {she is a founder, yes I'm proud}, and it's just amazing, both domestic and International. Either one, it is a beautiful thing.

8) Last week my DVR didn't record 19 Kids and Counting or The Little Couple. Maybe their season's ended? I love both of them. Say what you will. You have to admit, they are pleasant folks.

9) I want more cool work-out gear, but I don't want to pay for it. Does someone want to just mail me some unused, Lululemon wear? Of course you don't, because you paid an arm and a leg for those threads! Damn you, easy, breezy, overly-expensive, addictive work-out wear!

10) I've got ants in my pants. I want to move. I love it here, but we need to experience elsewhere. Chad and I talk about it all the time, most recently was yesterday. Oy. It will be interesting to see where we end up, but I'll tell you one thing: I will not live in Orange County from birth until death. Sound extreme? Well, it's not if you really think about it. What if we raise our kids here, and then they go to college here, like Chad and I did, then they meet someone in college, much like we did, and then they get married and have babies here in the OC? 
That means we're here for life! 

{And let's continue the celebration of humongous pictures}

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the name change... and isn't it weird how so many people have nut allergies now? My niece and nephews all have multiple food allergies and I feel so grateful that my kids didn't get any.


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